Luxury Holiday Search

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Infants/Children are classified by their age on the day of return from the holiday. Infants are classified as being under 2 years of age i.e. 0-1 year old. Children of the same age should be listed individually, as the child ages is used to count the number of child occupants.


Children will be defined as being 2 years and above. The upper limit will be subject to the hotels own contracted child age policies.


Due to flight restrictions, each infant requires 1 adult for travel.


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Holidays in our search include:




Child Places*






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£60 pp


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Stanhope Travel is a small local family business based in the Durham Dales. We are an Independent Travel Agency backed by one of the most trusted names in the industry. Since opening in May 2007 we have built up a reputation for individual care and attention, and giving professional, unbiased advice. Each one of our highly trained consultants has the knowledge and passion to exceed all expectations and match all individual needs.

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